Case 228 - The Cristóbal Colón Project: A Transnational Negotiation Simulation

by ISD - Georgetown University
$ 0 USD
$ 4.50 USD

Mendez, Miguel

The Cristóbal Colón Project is a simulation exercise based on a real natural gas project on the Praia Peninsula of Venezuela. This simulation can aid students in understanding  the impact of economic reforms, government decentralization, free trade and economic integration, increased foreign investment, and capital flows—all changes many countries all over the world, but particularly those in Latin America, are now facing. It also highlights the rise of a new breed of international actors: nongovernmental organizations, regional development agencies, and local authorities. Although this simulation touches on all of these aspects, it mainly focuses on the joint venture and places foreign direct investment within a multicultural context. The simulation also gives students the opportunity to learn firsthand the techniques of negotiation preparation, team-building, and bilateral and multilateral negotiations.